Rounds And Races
William Quan Judge
axiom in Theosophy is that no one should accept as unquestionably true any statement
of fact, principle, or theory which he has not tested for himself. This does
not exclude a reasonable reliance upon testimony; but only that blind credulity
which sometimes passes for faith. As we understand the rule, it is that we
should at all times keep a clear and distinct boundary between what we know,
and what we only accept provisionally on the testimony of those who have had
larger experience until we reach a point of view from which we can see its
truth. We owe it to ourselves to enlarge the sphere of clear knowledge and to
push back as far as possible the boundary of opinion and hypothesis.
The realm of
knowledge has various departments. Our physical senses furnish us one class of
knowledge; our intellectual powers investigate another field on mathematical
lines; and yet another faculty enables us to apprehend ethical teachings and to
trace them to their true basis in Karma. That we have other faculties, now
largely latent, which when developed will enable us to enter other fields of
observation and investigation, is beginning to be seen and appreciated. Among
the subjects which man may thus in the future examine for himself is a large
block of truth concerning evolution, the out-breathing of the Great Breath, the
birth and development of a chain of globes, and of human life thereon, some
part of which has been imparted to us by those who claim to know, and which is
chiefly useful, perhaps, for the light which it throws on our surroundings, our
destiny, and our duty.
The grander
sweeps of this block of truth are given to us in the barest outline, and not
until our present physical earth is reached do we find anything like detailed
information. From the hints given out, however, and reasoning according to the
doctrine of correspondences, "as above, so below," we may plausibly
infer many things in regard to other globes and other systems; but such flights
can hardly be taken with much profit or
until we become thoroughly familiar with the things that are revealed in regard
to our immediate surroundings.
In reading
what has been written about the evolution of our planetary chain, it becomes
apparent that some writers either did not have clear views on the subject, or
that confusion and even contradiction have resulted from difficulty in finding
words adapted to its expression and in using the words chosen in a strictly
consistent manner.
The article
entitled "Evolution" found on page 117 of THE PATH for July, 1892,
is, it seems to me, open to this objection; and I ask leave of the Editor to
contribute briefly to the work of making the subject more clear.
The planetary
chain consists of seven companion globes, which for convenience of reference
are named from the first seven letters of the alphabet, A, B, C, D, E, F, and G.
We occupy globe D, the fourth in the chain. The course of evolution begins on
globe A, and proceeds by regular stages through globes B, C, D, E, etc. In the
beginning, globe A was first evolved, and life received a certain degree of
development upon it; then
globe B came
into existence, and the life-wave removed from globe A to B, where it went
forward another stage; then globe C was evolved and received the life wave for
a still further stage in its progress; and so on, until at the end of the first
round globe G was evolved and furnished the field for the highest development
attainable in that round.
The first
round - the first tour of the life-wave through the seven globes from A to G -
having been completed, the monads - the life wave - passed again to globe A,
and commenced the second round, or the second tour through the chain.
following out details, it is enough to say that three such rounds have been
completed, and the fourth round has commenced its sweep and is still in
progress; and that we now occupy globe D in this fourth round. Three times the
life-wave has passed from globe A to globe G; and has now reached globe D in
its fourth tour through the chain.
Now, leaving
entirely out of sight for the present what has happened during the former three
rounds, and on globes A, B, and C in this fourth round, let us consider what
has happened on globe D since the life-wave reached it this fourth time;
prefacing, however, the general statement that this globe will be exhausted and
the life-wave be ready to pass from it to Globe E when seven root-races shall
have finished their course here.
root-race is divided into seven sub-races; and each sub-race into seven
family-races; and so on; these divisions and subdivisions following each the
other, and not coexisting, except as an earlier race or division of a race may
survive its time and overlap a subsequent race or division.
Since the
life-wave reached globe D in this fourth round, four root-races have run their
course upon it, and the fifth root-race has reached its fifth subdivision or
sub-race, of which we are part. This fifth sub-race is said to be preparing in
The sixth and
seventh sub-races of the fifth root-race must run their course, and these must
be followed by the sixth and seventh root-races with their various
subdivisions, before the life-wave passes from our present globe D and begins
its further evolution on globe E. From analogy we may infer that seven great
races, with their sub-races, etc., will be necessary to complete the work of
that globe; and the same for globes F and G, before the fourth round shall be
concluded and the life-wave be ready to pass to globe A for the beginning of
the fifth round.
Thus the
planetary chain consists of seven globes; the life-wave makes during the
existence of the chain seven complete tours of the chain from globe A to globe
G, these tours being called rounds; the life-wave remains on each globe after
reaching it in each round, until it completes seven root races, divided into
forty-nine sub-races and into three hundred and forty-three family-races.
It should be
remembered that the flow of the life-wave is not continuous: it has its ebb as
well as its flood. There is a period of rest or pralaya
after the close of each round before another is commenced: a pralaya after each globe in the round; similarly each race,
sub-race, etc., is preceded and followed by its pralayic
rest. The purpose of this paper is not to develop the entire scheme in all its
completeness, even if that were possible; but to bring out as sharply as may be
the general outlines, and especially to note the distinction between rounds and
races, the seven rounds being seven circuits of the entire chain, while the
seven root-races are seven life-waves (or seven repetitions of the same wave)
which consecutively flow and ebb on each globe before leaving it. There are
seven root-races on each globe; forty-nine root-races in each round; three
hundred and forty-three root-races in the seven rounds which complete the life
of the planetary chain.
In studying
this subject, it must be borne in mind that, while numerous passages in The
Secret Doctrine refer to universal cosmogony and the evolution of the solar
system and of our planetary chain, still the bulk of that work is devoted to
the evolution of humanity on globe D in the fourth round only. It must also be
remembered that the groups of monads discussed in "Theosophical
Gleanings" in Vol. VI of Lucifer are not to be
taken as
identical with the seven root-races through which the monadic host passes on
each globe in each round.
The foregoing
outline of the course of evolution through the SEVEN ETERNITIES of a maha-manvantara is mechanical and clumsy; it is only a
skeleton, which must be clothed upon with muscles and sinews by reading between
the lines before its true relations and proportions can be understood. The
following quotations from The Secret Doctrine will perhaps throw a ray of light
upon the connection of the globes of the chain:
It only
stands to reason that the globes which overshadow our earth must be on
different and superior planes. In short, as globes,
they are in
but not
(The capitals
are in the text.) Vol. I, p. 166.
"other worlds" are mentioned . . . the Occultist does not locate
these spheres either outside or inside our Earth for their location is nowhere
in the space known to and conceived by the profane. They are, as it were,
blended with our world — interpenetrating it and interpenetrated
by it. Vol.
I, p. 605.
In a foot
note to page 265 of
December, 1892
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